Nakanojou-machi cultural assets designation thing detailed

Town designation historic place (the in March, 1996 last day present designation thing) 《文字数オーバー》 It is no> With it is said It is the cave burial mound where it is doing It is estimated as a/the half It is doing an/the aperture It, be ruptured for development The present became only 4 base It is the precious thing that knows a/the reign It is れて It is' (a/the town historic place) The age of wars. It is no> It was the important 支castle of the rock chest castle of め It falls and decides It is positive the sky in 8 hips hyper Retainer/wealth of a/the he chief retainer Shiobara resource 太left 衛gate and Mr It made an/the origin It is because Even if I commemorate a/the county office establishment era It is 産 It does soil It is estimated as different 廓of 阿Yamashiro) <(4 subjects Hiraki. A/the town 33 Kuwata ruined castle (a/the town historic place) With, 並廓ceremony Yamashiro the inner citadel has 2 steps of waist tune circles There is a well site to south lower berth central. In the northeast low soil The quarters. It is no> It is the 支castle of a rock chest castle It is って Return