《主語なし》About ecology (Ecology) I will think

I want to do as the environment, where lives is improved, whether or not I even 1000 keep the same condition even 100 from now on.

《主語なし》It is no a/the reaction, if write to the workplace newspaper of a/the new face introduction about ecology and, I get a job and graduate from a/the school in 1984. 《主語なし》The ecology was the word that I do not get used to seeing. 《主語なし》It was not a trendy word.
《主語なし》Where be it although be desiring "the book of ecology and, I am the bookstore of advanced ground London in 1991? 《主語なし》" Is it ecology if I hear that? ? ? What? 《主語なし》Of it was useless, although I took notes a/the spelling, whether the answer, pronunciation were bad.
It seems to say the world, prevalence. 《主語なし》It is. Even with, an a little book was lining up to a/the shelf. 《主語なし》I have purchased even 1 armload.
There is the grown-up who does not know the word of ecology in 1998 seldom. Are the details of the vocabulary general yet, to not understand well yet?
Etymology wa, ecosystem (biology) is, in the 1850's Germany of animal scholar, Ernst Haeckel sbj new environment biology (? the the and 《主語なし》) As voicing it (German style with) ecology it changed to ecology of English right away.
It is a general dictionary to translate with ecology.
《主語なし》It is the scientific tackling that is going to see the relation between a/the creature and environment widely.

Quotation (in 1991 issuance, Green Dictionary, Colin Johnson, Macdonald & Co. (Publishers) Ltd)
Originally a branch of biology concerned with organisms' relationships to one anotherand their sorroundings.
《文字数オーバー》 The ternderives from the Greek words oikos and logos, meaning' the study of homes'.
Ecology has evolved into the green science of life. 《文字数オーバー》
Although ecology may be treated as a science, its greater and overriding wisdom isuniversal. That wisdom can be approached mathematically, chemically, or it can be danced or told as a myth... 《文字数オーバー》 What is comon among all of them is a deep sense of engagement with the landscape, with profound connections to surroundings and to natural processes central to all life.
《主語なし》I asked to cause reproduce it because it is a clear dictionary, although it may be unpermission reproduction than over, quotation.

Quotation (in 1991 issuance, The Green Book, Stephen Pope Mike Appleton Elizabeth-Anne Wheal, Hodder & Stoughton)
The term' ecology' is one of the most important, widely used yet misinterpreted concepts in green thinking. The word itself is derived from the Greek words oikos (a home) and logos (a word or discourse). 《文字数オーバー》 No living thing exists in isolation. It affects and is affected by other organisms of the same and of different species, and by the soils, climate and many other factors that go to make up its environment. The combination of these factors within a given area-be it a pond, an oak tree, an entire tropical rainforest or an urban waste tip-is an ecosystem, the basic unit of most ecological study.

《主語なし》I want to be going to search how, if the approach that says is taken it is conceivable ecology progressively.
《主語なし》How does it set up the feeling (the view of nature) to the environment that I have at the present moment of us? 《主語なし》Is it express it as I feel the contamination of a/the river/lakes and marshes/the ocean/soil/the living environment/city environment/the atmosphere/forests? Book etc. that became a reference
Heat dynamic study (construction work during)
(construction work during) about creature diversity